Sunday, November 14, 2010

The holidays are coming right up! I get to celebrate my favorite holiday in just 2 weeks, Thanksgiving! Not only do I get to celebrate my favorite holiday,but I get to see my mom! What else could you ask for?! Emmas 7 month Birthday will be in while we're in Vermont for Thanksgiving, so more people can celebrate her Birthday with her! Its usually just the two of us eating an ice cream sandwich & I think all of you have seen the video of how that normally goes down!
Here is an update of Emmas accomplishments for those of you who dont see her:
She Loves Carrots
She Drinks From A Sippy Cup or Your Cup If You Hold It
She Sits Up Alone
She Is Almost Crawling
She Log Rolls Around The Living Room
She Likes To Pinch Noses
She River Dances In Her Bouncer

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